The Fleshly Work of FACTIONS
This is the ADMONITION of the Apostle (Paul), filled with G-d’s Ruach, to those living in the last days (acharit-hayamim) of this present world (‘olam hazeh).
There is the world to come (‘olam haba). But right now, Followers of Yeshua have righteous, holy works to do by His Ruach’s Power, not by our own human strength alone.
‘The Ruach expressly states that in the acharit-hayamim some people will apostasize from the faith by paying attention to deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.’ ~ 1 Timothy 4:1
‘Moreoever, understand this: in the acharit-hayamim will come *perilous (Gk. chalepos) times. People will be self-loving, money-loving, proud, arrogant, insulting, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, uncontrolled, brutal, hateful of good, traitorous, headstrong, swollen with conceit, loving pleasure rather than G-d, as they retain the outer form of religion but deny its power.’ ~ 2 Timothy 3:1-5
*Greek chalepos used only TWICE in the B’rit Chadashah, describes fierce demonic activity. Chalepos comes from the root word chaláō meaning to ‘let down from a higher place to a lower’. Look for the unleashing of UNHOLY, in other words, at the end of this present world.
BELIEVER in YESHUA The Anointed, living in the acharit-hayamim (End Times) of the ‘olam hazeh (this present world):
What would happen if instead of viewing all the problems of THIS PRESENT WORLD through the eyes of a FACTION [worldly], we viewed them through the eyes of AFFECTION that is Holy?
Spirit-filled LIVING is active, not loud – sharper than ANY two-edged worldly sword, not murderous in word or deed – piercing between and separating nephesh and ruach and joints and marrow, and the only thing able and skilled in judging the imaginations and motivations of the mind (Hebrews 4:12). Not even the mysterious intertwining of nephesh and ruach is able to withstand the SHARP BLADE of the Word of G-d – The Sword of the Ruach!
Right now in our Mereas Torah Study fellowship, we are dissecting the ‘Fruit of the Ruach’ in Galatians 5:22-23. What is actually happening, however, is This Word of G-d is dissecting us, just like It says.
What we are finding is phenomenal. It IS LIFE-CHANGING only because it is LIFE-GIVING. However, what is listed before this very evident Fruit of the Ruach are the ‘works of the flesh’. One of the works of the flesh is ‘factions’:
‘Dissensions arising from diversity of opinions and aims’ is the definition. Notably, this word used a total of NINE times in the B’rit Chadashah, is translated also as ‘sects’ or ‘heresies’. Factionalism – a work of the flesh – is the WRONG SIDE to choose when you’re a Professing Follower of The Way. There’s ONE HOLY. But there is much, much ‘common’ (profane/worldly) from which to choose.
As we Seek the Kingdom of G-d and His Righteousness, His Ruach gives us the ‘good eye’ to SEE and understand the works He has anointed us to do.
By G-d’s power ‘everything else is added’ (Matthew 6:33/Romans 14:17). Being governed by His Ruach means I SEE only HOLY and its counterfeit, common.
Do you so understand ‘Holy’ that you easily detect ‘the common’?
Being governed by His Holy Ruach means I PERCEIVE the great chasmic difference between the two. Thus, I am not enticed by the plethora of this world’s faulty options.
The world will remain all up in arms as a result of the works of the flesh. The Anointed Follower, however, ought to be hope-filled, Spirit-filled and confidently raising her arms IN PRAISE.
Why must our own minds continually be dissected, Believers? Because we live in the last days of this present world where the unleashing of UNHOLY will ‘fool even the chosen, if possible’ (Matthew 24:24).
Have you been fooled?
Holly Simpson
February 1, 2017 @ 9:29 pm
I’m not sure what else to say but – AMEN! This describes exactly how I feel about the present condition of our community, our country and our world! It is so true that it seems more necessary now than ever to be able to discern what is “Holy” and what is “common” maybe it’s my age, but I feel so compelled in my spirit to grasp this and to be governed by the Holy Rauch.