‘To know Jesus’
20th Nissan 5784 THE YEAR OF THE OPEN DOOR 4.28.24 5th Day of the Omer
It is G-D’s Spirit (RUACH HaKodesh) Who educates and elevates the soul. If we are not engaging in the Living Word & investing in our foundational spiritual education, the chances are really good we have not heard – and at the very least, not hearing – the Kingdom Counselor/Instructor.
This is the meaning in Yochanan’s (whose name means ‘Yah is gracious’) record of Yeshua’s interaction with The Woman at the Well. (John 4)
23 But an hour is coming—it is here now—when the true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and Truth, for the Father is seeking such people as His worshipers. 24 God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in Spirit and Truth.”
Spirit and Truth: RUACH and EMET – These Words have great inner meaning! And this oft overlooked interaction in Yochanan’s book is EMET HIMSELF POINTING TOWARD THE TWO MOUNTS OF REVELATION, aka ‘Shavuot’ (Counting Omer UP/PREPARING oneself to RECEIVE RUACH & EMET) where in one instance TORAH was given…and the other RUACH was given. Torah and Ruach are ECHAD (they are ONE) and They are also ETERNAL (See Genesis 1).
I don’t believe people misinterpret INTENTIONALLY. One can only give what one contains within. I would love that same chesed extended in my direction…
With all the tools available to the talmid (disciple) today, there is no reason to stay misinformed. If we do, it was by choice.
MUCH is LOST in translation. Look up the following words from this passage:
Dorea (Gift) – pneuma (Spirit) – Aletheia (Truth)
Minchah, mattan, zebed, b’rakah
Consider the phrase ‘to know Jesus’. On the surface, many would claim they ‘know Jesus’, setting aside that ‘Yeshua/Jesus = The Word’. Looking closer at the original languages of the phrase and reframing it through its original Hebrew precedent, it would look something like ‘yada Yeshua’.
Yada: to know, with the deepest sense of ‘intimate experience’ (as in ‘Adam ‘knew/yada’ Eve’ – see Genesis 4:1 וְהָ֣אָדָ֔ם יָדַ֖ע אֶת־חַוָּ֣ה)
Yeshua: Salvation – Deliverance – Victory as in the following Genesis verse
Therefore, in keeping with G-D’s ‘definition of things’, the student can see that ‘to know Jesus’ means THERE IS GROWING EVIDENCE of DELIVERANCE through that experiential oneness WITH SALVATION HIMSELF!
The next question for the talmid to ask is HOW CAN I EXPERIENCE THIS if I am not? Start with your spiritual education (which also means ‘training and DEDICATION’ in the Hebrew language.
ENROLL YOURSELF / YOUR GROUP NOW in my 21 Day Mussar LIFE Course: THE SOUL’S CURRICULUM of CHOKMAH – BIYNAH – DA’AT [Wisdom-Understanding-Knowledge of The Holy One] ie, VICTORY! CLASS ALWAYS OPEN!
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