A Tribute to Amy Jones
I had the privilege of being Amy’s long distance Friend. My husband introduced her to me some years back at a Ziglar speaking workshop in Dallas…just before she was given the great opportunity to work with Ziglar Training.
She welcomed me into her life like no one I’d ever known. She invited me numerous times to go to one of her conferences…and finally, my husband and I had the privilege of being her guests at a GM (Get Motivated!) seminar in Topeka, KS.
Man, was that fun!
She wore me out with her energy! I just love her to pieces…and one additional neat thing, I spoke to my Mom about her numerous times. And my Mom went to be with the LORD two years ago…And now, they finally know each other in that glorious REST called Heaven!
Shalom aleichem, Amy’s family…there is a BIG gap in this present world.
Tom Ziglar wrote an amazing tribute to Amy. Read more about her tremendous influence in many lives at: At the Foot of a Giant
Amy was a Girl who knew how to L-I-V-E! Amy and I would often joke about our great love for acronyms! They helped us to remember the simple things in an often complicated life.
May we learn from her just how much of a GIFT today really is. I will miss your sweet presence, Amy!
You can get her newly released book at the Ziglar Online Shop.
Amy seriously did ‘TWICE AS MUCH IN HALF THE TIME’.
Faith Imagined
June 23, 2009 @ 6:19 pm
What a beautiful tribute!
Louise Hudson
June 23, 2009 @ 8:25 pm
Oh, Carmen, may the God of all peace and comfort be with you and all those that Amy touched as you grieve your loss. I rejoice in knowing another sweet sister has fulfilled her calling in the Lord to it's fullest extent not wasting her days whining, but faithfully ministering to a broken world. I look forward to a face to face introduction when I arrive in heaven as I know I'll recognize her by her many crowns.
Peace be with you,
July 1, 2009 @ 12:14 pm
What a beautiful life she led. I read Tom's post, also.
juan gonzalez
January 28, 2012 @ 1:30 pm
Carmen, your words are beautiful words. Not in the "nice" sense, but in the "love" sense, that is "godly". I just attended a GM seminar (awesome!) in LV, NV. and was looking Amy up on google and I run into your page. It touched me to read that Amy requested that money to be spent on adorning her tomb should go instead to her alma matter. That is also love, godly love.
January 28, 2012 @ 1:34 pm
Thank you Juan! Amy was one of a kind alright. We're planning a trip to LV to hear and spend a lil time with Bryan Flanagan. I'm sure you heard him at GM! He's also one great dude! Be blessed!