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  1. Shannon Jacobyansky
    July 15, 2009 @ 11:38 am

    I loved this post! I read it yesterday and went back to it today! Thanks for sharing the meaning of the words…it helps so much to better understand and see the whole picture of what God is trying to get us to understand!


  2. Alisa Hope Wagner
    July 17, 2009 @ 9:59 pm

    Fantastic research! Thanks for sharing it. My goal for today is to be "aglow" for God. I really want to be obedient because I'm in love with the Creator.


  3. jesnicole
    July 17, 2009 @ 9:59 pm

    🙂 Love you.


  4. jcdisciple
    July 23, 2009 @ 1:46 am

    Hey Lady,

    I just love you and your posts. You so encourage my Spirit when it is downcast by your careful, methodical, and faithful teaching of our Lord's Holy Word. I want to answer your questions.

    Do you have a real passion and zeal for the LORD, for the things of the LORD (as the LORD does}?

    So INTENSE it hurts!

    Does it show in your work?

    I think so! I strive for it to.

    What does this week’s Torah portion and extra drash reveal about your own heart?

    "Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another"…this passage is my biggest struggle because I often feel that my zeal causes strife amongst those who are not as passionate as I and I am not sure if I am not being "loving and gentle" enough. I am continually asking God to teach me how to be "full of Grace AND Truth"

    Have you asked the LORD to reveal to you what portion of your work is done IN FAITH (living works to be rewarded) and what work is done without faith (dead works to be burned = sin)?

    Not specifically, but thanks for the suggestion so I can begin to do so!

    What does ‘be aglow, burning with the Spirit’ mean?

    I hope it means to feel like a "cheerleader for God" because that is my single minded desire in life!

    How has The Word convicted and convinced your heart this week?

    It has actually convicted me that I am right before God as I can feel all of this in my Spirit. Praise be to Him who grants it despite my undeserving of it!

    What has ADONAI instructed that you do differently this week in your relationships?

    Oh..this is so hard. I am struggling to determine if I am rightfully reproving someone or wrongfully judging. I think the time has come to remain silent and wait for a while, but my zealousness makes it so hard some times.

    THE WORD can take you anywhere. Where did the Ruach of ADONAI take you this week in your drash (study)?

    I am still seeking that place right now. Looking for a new, fresh, anointing this week. Desperately need a word of correction or reassurance from God.

    Again, love you Carmen…you enrich my studies so much.



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