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  1. Sydney Hewitt
    December 1, 2016 @ 4:01 pm

    When I read about "Galal"…Rolling… I think of the forgiveness and acceptance of our round,soft hearts!

    When I begin to live in a state of continual forgiveness, then my thoughts can "roll right over" the darts and schemes of the enemy, as he reminds me of past hurts, and present fears
    BECAUSE of those hurts.

    When I consider this, I visualize the floating on my back down the river of His Living Water…as He takes me OVER and AROUND all that could crush me or stop my FLOW…MY GO…
    as I allow His spirit to move me in grace and forgiveness to the next destination with Him.

    Thank you for this important lesson! I pray for all whom I love that they too, learn it
    by His Spirit.


  2. Holly Simpson
    December 2, 2016 @ 1:03 pm

    This is definitely me, I'm slowly feeling my rough edges being smoothed off. It is in no way easy and I have to participate ! I want to be lazy and let it just happen. That is not how it works, that just brings disaster- mostly for me but for those around me as well. It's for sure my flesh that doesn't want to get too committed for fear of it being messy. But then I am left lonely. Digging into Gods word and allowing Him to transform me is teaching me to trust Him with commitments to the people around me and to Him and it is bringing about a richness and fullness that l only partially felt before. It's like an awakening in my heart!

    Thank you Carmen for your commitment and how it is now flowing to us and pointing us in the right directi ! 😘


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