Words Are Not Enough…
“What information, data, proof, evidence do you have for your religion, that would help me to decide to choose yours?”“What distinguishes your religion from others, that would help me to decide which is true, and which are not?”
Imagine being posed these questions. How might you respond? Just think for a minute.
Recently, I was…and this was my response to the one seeking Truth:
“Friend, the ONLY evidence I have for my ‘religion’ being distinctive is my own changed life. And it is actually not a religion at all, as it is relational. The One I know is Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus Christ) Who knew me first….most of my life I was my own god. And evidently god(desses) self-destruct…After all, all an individual has is his/her own experiences. And for me, I have experienced something life-altering.”
“…what happened was Someone found me (Psalm 40:1-3).”
“ADONAI spoke to me (yes, HE still speaks) that I cannot change one person with persuasive arguments, but I can be so changed, that they desire what I have..and ask about it (and they do!).”
“And so it is, I cannot tell and/or give experiential Truth to someone in the hopes of changing or re-routing their prospective journeys, nor will I try. But what I will do is explain to them what HE has wrought in MY life…namely, a HOPE and REST that my troubled soul had sorely longed for.”
I continue to pray for this man and ask ADONAI to grant him a repentant heart that he might respond to The Call of salvation through His Son Yeshua.
As I prayed and thought about this brief encounter, the LORD continued to challenge my own heart. HE continued to speak to me about the roles we play as His instruments of righteousness.
Now, I ask you as I continue to ask myself. What EVIDENCE have you to present to the world about The One Truth?
Is there anything distinctive and powerful about your LIFE , about your family, about your assembly that could be the catalyst that causes someone to ‘put their trust and confident reliance in ADONAI’?
The DEMONSTRATION OF KINGDOM POWER always manifests itself as
- HOPE FOR THE HOPELESS (1 Peter 3:15)/my Supreme Satisfaction
- LOVE FOR THE BRETHREN (John 13:35)/my Sovereign Sanctification
Though both are beneficial to the Believer, they also serve as a ‘sign’ to the unbelieving.
Again, I implore you to gain the highest of understanding that the DEMONSTRATION OF THE KINGDOM, is the POWER of Christ in me, Who is my HOPE of glory!
The Kingdom of God is not a matter of words, but of power. ~ 1 Corinthians 4:20
The Evidence that TRUTH abides in us, and that we are walking with Him is not found in persuasive words, but it is found in a Transformed Life.
Neither in the Old or New Covenant do you see ADONAI jumping up and down like a forlorn child yelling ‘Pick me, Pick me!’. On the contrary, both Yeshua and His disciples bid others to ‘Come and See’ for themselves.
And furthermore, it is HE Who does the pickin’. Not us. (Another lesson for another day!)
Does any other ‘religion’ have a Being Who died for our sin that we may truly LIVE? No. Because no other religion’s ‘prophet’ died for his disciples, let alone be resurrected as Yeshua HaMashiach was. They all remain in their graves.
But not HE!
Is there another religion where the disciples are to ‘become one’? Here is another distinction, whereby all other ‘religions’ are about ‘rugged individualism’. Not so for Followers of The Way.
But he who is joined to the Lord becomes one spirit with Him.
~ 1 Corinthians 6:17
For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body – Jews or Greeks, slaves or free – and all were made to drink of one Spirit. ~ 1 Corinthians 12:13
There is this growing theme of YACHAD (unity) throughout the Scriptures.
We spoke of the “New Song” last week in our women’s Beit Midrash as beautifully depicted in Psalm 40. Notice the glorious progression…
In the miry pit.
ADONAI hears our cries (because HE is nearby).
He pulls us out from the depth of darkness.
He puts our feet upon The Rock (Himself).
He establishes our steps. (Ephesians 2:10 – our works ordained of ADONAI)
He puts a NEW SONG in our mouths (Universal Song of the Ruach HaKodesh).
BECAUSE of my singing that Universal NEW SONG of the Ruach HaKodesh, many will see and fear and put their fear and trust and confident reliance in ADONAI.
We Called-Out Ones have A LOT yet to experience of ADONAI and one another!
We have been chosen that we, too, might sing the Ruach’s New Song in GLORIOUS HARMONY with Him and with one another!
Take a blender, for example. Does it not remain a hunk of useless, shiny metal (yet with so much potential) until it has been plugged in, and power flows from an outer source charging the appliance to do as it was designed to do.
“There must be EVIDENCE revealing itself in Supreme Satisfaction and Sovereign Sanctification.”
So, again I ask…Is your faith a demonstration of Kingdom Power? Is the Evidence readily there for those seeking it?
…Because THEY are seeking.
May 12, 2009 @ 11:36 pm
Mmm, mmm, mmm! I love this, Carmen! I am not one to debate, so I am not one who likes to get those hard and fast questions. My answers are the same as yours: I am living proof of Jesus. I believe “because the Bible tells me so”. I believe because His Spirit tells me so. Because Jesus loves me so. Because my Heavenly Father designed me so.
Thankfully, the Lord usually sends the debaters to other Christians that He designed to answer their analytical questions. And, He sends me those who can see into my heart. 🙂
May 17, 2009 @ 7:13 pm
I’ve wondered how to answer that question myself, but you always know what to say!
Oh, and your life is a wonderful ministry in itself – you don’t even know how many people you’ve inspired to “walk” with you!
May 20, 2009 @ 5:04 pm
I often say if I didn’t believe in God I would not be alive today.. he saved me from the gutters of my sin, and only by His true miracles to I even have children now…
I’ve looked at some apologetics stuff, but honestly I have a hard time remembering them. I think the whole thing about “showing them we’re Christians by our love” as cliche as it sounds, is so much a better example, especially through the tough times.
Shalom sistah!
May 20, 2009 @ 5:04 pm
Carmen you could not answer that question any different. There are so many people that are hungry and thirsty for the Living Water. I believe that it is the illuminated light that we as Christians posses through Christ that makes them start asking questions about Religion
June 12, 2009 @ 1:05 pm
Had a weeklong discussion with a cousing who is an athiest and this was exactly what I tried to express…my own changed heart andlife proves Jesus!
Just finished leson one of "Fulfilled Woman"…it was awesome!