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  1. Gail W.
    August 1, 2008 @ 6:25 pm

    Thank you so much for sharing this, Carmen. My women’s discipleship group has been working on the difference between learning about God and pursuing intimacy with Him. Your word study on drash will help all of us!


    August 1, 2008 @ 9:32 pm

    May we not settle for little today!


  3. Darryl Schafer
    August 1, 2008 @ 10:25 pm

    If you're interested in Jewish interpretation, check out the targums (Aramaic paraphrase of the Hebrew OT), the Mishnah & Talmud (both are, generally speaking, the oral tradition), midrash (ex: qal wahomer & gezera shewah), pesher (prevalent in the rabbinic lit.), allegory (more Greek than Jewish, but see Philo), typology, and intertextuality (echoes of an earlier text embedded in a later one)…

    Good grief you're brother-in-law's a nerd.

    Yes, eisegesis is the bane of interpretation, but I think that all of us are guilty of it to some degree. Our culture, economic backgrounds, race, gender, etc. all play a part in how we interpret the text, whether we're aware of it or not. In other words, there's really no such thing as an unbiased read of the tex. Yes, exegesis must win the day on the hermeneutical battlefield, but recognizing our biases does well to put us on our way to the goal of DOING the text and not just interpreting it.

    Giant nerd signing off.


  4. Carmen
    August 1, 2008 @ 10:37 pm

    Yes, Darryl, you are most definitely a Giant nerd! But, what you say is precise. And THAT is precisely WHY we must study our Hebraic roots to avoid as much of our own uneducated biases that come with our ‘western minds’ (we can’t help it…til we begin to REALLY dig).

    After all, the entirety of Scripture was written by the Hebrew people who possessed the foundational cultural understanding wholly foreign to most students of Scripture. Therefore, it behooves us to closely examine our Hebraic roots that we may understand Scripture in the way it was intended to be known and studied.

    …the Jews were entrusted with the oracles of God. (Romans 3:2)

    …I just love a good discussion!


  5. Kate
    August 2, 2008 @ 3:12 am

    Hi Carmen – Just wanted to stop in and say hi. I like your blog concept. For quite some time now I have been planning to dig more into the Hebrew of the Old Testament. In college I had a minor in New Testament Greek, but I have always neglected the Hebrew, despite the fact that I absolutely love the Old Testament and find myself in the OT way more than the NT. Weird huh??


  6. Susan
    August 3, 2008 @ 2:43 am

    Hey Carmen,

    This was an awesome study on the word drash.

    Isn’t the word so wonderful. We can study, and study only to discover more and more of the many hidden treasures in there.

    He trusts you with His heart, you are a dilengent seeker.

    Blessings to you my friend♥


  7. lori
    August 4, 2008 @ 8:29 am

    I am constantly amazed at how MUCH I leave here with…I learn something each time…
    YOU are a blessing!
    Drash…It’s a word I’m taking with me this week…

    hugs to you….
    Thank you for igniting the fire in me to “study” these roots!!

    you are simply amazing!!


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