Divine Fire Coaching for Couples!
Divine Fire Coaching for Couples!
Would you like to understand your Bible, your Savior, your spouse, and your self more clearly? The Original languages of the Bible unfold such beautiful Revelation for us. And when they are understood in their proper context, we can learn so much about our Father’s purposes for us.
The study of The Living Word takes lots of work, as does marriage!
Let’s see what we can learn WHEN WE LOOK MORE CLOSELY…
This IS the JOURNEY of two souls DISCOVERING individually, and collectively what ‘It is written!’ means, and can mean, for the healing of wounds, and bringing ONENESS through AGREEMENT to the Spirit of Truth.
It is the journey of discovering yourself and ‘seeing and agreeing’ with what and who Father G-d says you are, and are predestined to BECOME in The Messiah.
There is a battle within that must be REPEATEDLY WON and UNDONE of the old nature if you hope to BE ONE with your Spouse.
Where the Spirit of the LORD is, there is LIBERTY AND UNITY!
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INVEST in your marriage. INVEST in yourself.
The Divine Fire for Couples! are ONLINE INTERACTIVE WEBINARS conducted from the comfort of your own home 💻🏡☕️
THE DIVINE FIRE SERIES is the equivalent of Marriage Boot Camp
Three Levels of Learning to Choose from:
It is ‘TWO BECOMING ONE’, traversing through an often-demanding obstacle course making sure the other SUCCEEDS…and doing it IN THE JOY (strength) OF YHWH’s Sevenfold Ruach.
Some things you will UNCOVER in The Divine Fire foundational teaching:
Is the Gospel first preached in Genesis?
What is our ‘prescription‘? How does it differ from our ‘description’? Why does this matter, and furthermore how does this inform our seeing/thinking/doing/believing?
What does ‘created in the Image and likeness of G-d’ really mean to us and for us?
What is our purpose? How do we accomplish that purpose?
What does the Seven-branched Menorah teach us about LIVING IN THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT?
What does the Name of ‘YHWH’ mean? What does the Name ‘Elohim‘ mean?How does that impact our worship and reverence to The Faithful and Creative Father?
What has The Most High empowered us with, and therefore expects us ‘to do’ in our daily walk, in order to PRODUCE LIFE?
What does ‘parsing a Text’ mean? How might this impact my understanding and application? What are some helpful resources?
What is ‘YACHAD’ and how is it tied directly to our ‘KNOWING’?
These are just a FEW PHENOMENAL TRUTHS you will discover for yourself and your marriage in The Divine Fire Series!
Click the following link to find out how you can begin your journey into THE DIVINE FIRE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT as a couple, or as an accountability group (of couples):
Divine Fire Coaching for Couples!
“Knowing who I am in Christ, my fleshly inclinations and my divine role as a mother and a wife has totally changed my life and what it has produced. I am no longer a slave to my feelings and emotions or look to external sources for fulfillment. My relationships have flourished with my family and friends. My husband has said he feels safe in our marriage, a feeling he’s never experienced in a relationship. Divine Fire was the beginning of a lifetime journey in a new way of life, relationship and study for me and my family. Thank you for all you do! I am eternally grateful for your leadership and my new life 🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜” ~ Heather C.
“My role as Ezer Kenegdo is God’s purpose for me. When I search God for wisdom, I have a chance in this fallen world of achieving that intended purpose vs. making my own (in my image [shadow]) purpose. When I choose well, the light of God/His Divine Fire, can glow in all relationships, especially in the marriage relationship.” ~ Leslie M.
“Having studied previously with Carmen, I knew that I needed to come prepared…not simply by completing the requested reading, but actually by preparing my heart and my soul for what it would be fed. The depth of lessons learned have truly changed my journey here on earth & given much needed clarity to my purpose…our entire family now looks forward to each study.” ~ Bob
“Excellent training and an entrance into the true rhema word of Yeshua. It’s like truly hearing and experiencing God for the first time…” ~ Marcellus