Dining and Reclining with The Risen Christ
Then the two told what had happened on the road and how He had become known to them in the breaking of the matzah.
~ Luke 24:35
Won’t you recline, but for a moment, and receive This Bread before we go further?
Imagine now, walking along life’s road. Unbelieving. Downcast. Without understanding. Confused. Despondent.
Imagine now the Resurrected Yeshua is walking alongside you. Unrecognized, but there nonetheless.
Does this describe you today? Have you grown uncertain of your place in life? Have you lost your purpose?
Friend, it no longer has to be the case, for the Risen Mashiach has Bread that will open your eyes to your place and purpose.
Two traveled the road to Amma’us after being dealt a hard blow. Their Savior had perished three days prior. Their hopes of being freed from Roman bondage were now dashed at the finality of their Redeemer’s death. How could they go on? What purpose was there now for their lives? Their Mashiach was no longer part of their escape plan. Or was He?
We simply do not see things in our life the way our Lord does. And unless we put ourselves in the position of dining and reclining with Him in fellowship, we cannot see as He sees.
The truth is that we have the things of this world constantly set before our eyes contending for our every attention. And unless we make the time and deliberate effort to come apart, close our eyes (even briefly) to the world and gaze upon El Elyon, we shall remain blinded by the present world’s system.
Unless we choose life, we will not have life. Unless we quiet the clanging cymbals of the world and close our eyes to the worthless worldly images that have set themselves up against HaSHEM, we will have chosen death. Consequentially, our hearts grow dull. However, isn’t it completely glorious that the two who walked with Yeshua AFTER HIS RESURRECTION on the road to Amma’us did not even recognize who He was until they reclined with Him? Yeshua then took the Bread, broke It, gave It to them and they ate. Behold, their eyes were opened!
They said to each other, “Didn’t our hearts burn inside us as He spoke to us on the road, opening up the Tanakh to us?” ~ Luke 24:32
The two could not let this Man get away just moments before, even though He had called them ‘foolish people’! They knew there was something about His Presence. They invited Him into their home to stay ‘for it’s almost evening, and it’s getting dark’, they said.
After their eyes had been opened, they realized that their hearts had burned as He had spoken opening up the Tanakh to them along the road. The road was Amma’us. The Hebrew word meaning is ‘Hot Spring’.
Yes, indeed! The Hot Springs of Life had begun to bubble up within them for sure!
To choose LIFE, then, is to choose to SIT before Him. HE has already prepared the Matzah (Word) and has already made the B’rakhah (Blessing).
Yeshua the Guest had become Yeshua the Host! He does that.
It was to the lukewarm fellowship of Laodicea (not unbelievers) that He said…
Here, I’m standing at the door, knocking. If someone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he will eat with Me. ~ Revelation 3:20
This lukewarm fellowship were as blind (Revelation 3:18) as the Two on the Road to Amma’us.
He is knocking. Invite Him in! But by all means, do not forget to recline at His Table after He has entered!
Sit down. Fellowship. Recline. Receive the Bread He gives. Then, and only then, shall we worship in Spirit and Truth with eyes open wide!
‘And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of the words spoken to her from the Lord.’
~ Luke 1:45
Jennifer @ GettingDownWithJesus.com
May 14, 2011 @ 3:47 pm
The walk to Emmaus is my favorite story in all the Bible.
I want heartburn like that — Holy Heartburn — the kind that is chronic and that lasts all my days.
What Bible translation do you use? It's beautiful.
May 14, 2011 @ 3:54 pm
Hey Jennifer, I want that kind of heartburn as well, Blessed be His Name! I use just about every translation – the one I use most often is the Complete Jewish Bible (CJB) transliterated by David Stern (that's the one used here). Scroll down the right hand side column and you'll see the CJB as well as its accompanying commentary (FABULOUS!). No true disciple should be without it! ;o) You can also find the CJB on sites such as studylight.org and crosswalk.com. Biblegateway.com has yet to catch up…
July 24, 2011 @ 2:39 pm
So true…so true…we do need to sit awhile with Him and let Jesus fill our cup before the day gets going…put His eyes over our own…His feet…His hands become our's and we walk and toil serving others with the love of Christ!
I would love if you would read my short piece…"Held"…featuring a song by Natalie Grant!
Lis Ann
December 10, 2011 @ 9:41 pm
This was very encouraging, thank you! 🙂 God bless.