Neither the planter nor the waterer is anything, for it is God Who gives the increase. ~ 1 Corinthians 3:7
Carmen’s Thoughts on ‘Speaking and Sharing God’s Word of Truth’
I’ve been married to my High School Sweetheart for over 21 years. Together, we have four incredible children: Caleb (college student), Bethany (HS Sr), Kaitlyn (HS So) and Kierstyn (7th grade).
I’ve been learning/teaching the Biblical Hebrew view of discipleship for about 14 years. I founded and continue to lead a ladies group called ‘Mereas of Grace Fellowship’ where we study WEEKLY the Torah Portions (God’s Instruction) and dig into the entirety of the Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation.
Now in the North Dallas area, which was our eighth move in our married life, my husband’s career has led us to different places…all necessary for my (our!) growth and intimacy with Yeshua, The Living Word! Throughout these moves, I’ve established little pockets of Mereas groups from various churches/backgrounds whose desire it is to meet weekly and diligently search the Life-Giving Scriptures. HE has ALWAYS been faithful to help us find one another!!
I share from the deep convictions of my spirit out of the changes He has wrought in my life through years of wandering, seeking, and eventually finding Life.
I greatly welcome the opportunity to share God’s Life-Changing Word with your group of women, whether it be small or large.
My heart’s desire for this ministry is to bring glory and honor to our Father through the teaching of His Word for the purpose of the transforming of His Beloved…
…Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her, that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the Rhema (LOGOS ALIVE!), so that He might present the church to Himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish...
~ Ephesians 5:25-27
Through the ‘unpacking’ of the original Hebrew and Greek word meanings, The Word implanted becomes LOGOS ALIVE! by the power of the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit). And only LOGOS ALIVE! is able to bring the Transformation that Jesus Christ has called His Beloved to.
I WAITED patiently and expectantly for the Lord; and He inclined to me and heard my cry.
He drew me up out of a horrible pit [a pit of tumult and of destruction], out of the miry clay (froth and slime), and set my feet upon a rock, steadying my steps and establishing my goings.
And He has put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many shall see and fear (revere and worship) and put their trust and confident reliance in the Lord.
I have proclaimed glad tidings of righteousness in the great assembly [tidings of uprightness and right standing with God].
Behold, I have not restrained my lips, as You know, O Lord.
~ Psalm 40:1-3, 9
Speaking Topics
The Fulfilled Woman – What does a fulfilled woman look like? Being satisfied in life begins with knowing Jesus Christ Whose Spirit gives purpose, empowerment and instruction for living. And this fulfillment grows as we obey His instruction to ‘love one another as I have loved you.’ (John 15:12) God’s Word and your life are all about your relationships – beginning with Him and overflowing into all others! What do your relationships look like? God’s plan is to generously bless you as you believe enough to follow His Word. Are you positioned for a blessing? Luke 1:45 says, ‘Blessed is she who has believed that what was spoken to her by the Lord will be fulfilled!’
Torah Study!
It’s been said that not pushing past the English text of the Bible to learn the Hebraisms of this Incredible life-giving Book is like a man kissing his Bride through a veil. It is true.
Torah means ‘instruction’ and comes from the root word yarah which is an archery term meaning ‘to HIT the mark’. If you want to take your personal AND group study somewhere it’s likely never been before, you’ll find that uncovering these rich Hebrew Treasures is what you’ve been missing! You’ll learn about your calling as Ezer Kenegdo, Merea, and being a student of The Living Word. You are called-out, Woman! This is ‘discipleship redefined’.
Let’s Start at the Beginning, Ezer Kenegdo!
This is a closer look into the PRESCRIPTION that ADONAI has made us to be vs. our DESCRIPTION [what we became (rogue ezer kenegdo)] after that fateful day in the Garden of Delight. This will impact your marriage, your motherhood, your neighborhood, your livelihood and your every living moment!
Got a Topic You’d Like Covered?
Let’s talk!
Custom Topics and Fees
If your church or home fellowship is looking for an event speaker for brunches, weekend retreats, workshops or conferences and have a particular theme, please contact me. In an church setting, I love to have round tables set up for women in order to build relationships through prayer and the discussion of His Word. Please contact me to discuss fees. Shalom!
What Unpaid Others Are Saying
I have been part of many Bible studies in the past – but none like the Mereas group I joined September 2014. I never studied the Torah before and there was no better way to take my first journey into these foundational books than with Carmen Schroeder. Her knowledge of the first five books of the Old Testament and the Hebrew language provides a deep dive into the roots of Christianity. The wonderful thing about the study is that you can jump in at any time and start swimming in the spiritual stream of Jesus’ heritage. You become anchored in the roots of your faith by studying the same passages of the Old Testament and New Testament as Messianic Jews all over the world. Each year you gain a deeper and richer understanding of the Torah references found in the New Testament. Nothing is as wonderful as a Christian than to get to know my Lord and Savior more intimately by learning His language, His festivals and His heart as a Rabbi and my Savior. ~ Kathy S. Community Leader Prosper, TX
Carmen Schroeder is an awesome woman of God. In fact I look to her as not only my family, but my friend and someone who I highly regard in the spiritual world. The conference I attended that she spoke at was phenomenal. I was so amazed and grateful to know just how much of the Word she knew. She not only knew the Word, she spoke It throughout all of her teachings that weekend. I learned more just in that one weekend under her teaching, than I’ve learned in the 12 years I’ve been truly walking with God. Her heart…there’s just not enough words to explain how much love she has for women young and old. She has a heart of gold! Definitely worth booking for a conference of ANY kind.
~ Lori F. Women and Youth Ministries – Frederick, OK,
In hearing Carmen share God’s Word, I can say that He is showing her what it means to surrender to Him that He may work through her. By His grace, she is faithful to follow through on that. She is an obedient servant who wants to speak His Truth, not harshly, but with a loving heart. When I went through some difficult times in my life, the LORD used Carmen to encourage me with His message of hope, faithfulness, patience, and forgiveness. I give thanks to Him for that timely encouragement!
~ Angela R., Worship Leader – Overland Park, KS