L.A.W. Fulfilled in the Christmas Presence
“Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled.”
~ Matthew 5:17-18
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we kept before us the Christmas Presence always….if we were aware at all times of this Glorious Presence that goes before us?
Yes, this play on words evokes for me a glorious image of the Undeserved Presence we are blessed with everyday of the year.
And in return, our gift to Him for His year-long Presence would be to beautify our own presence in this sin-stained world by loving others as He loves us. Sanctified, Baby!
Isn’t it quite comical (uh, er…rather sheepish) that when we get wrapped up in ourselves, worry and pride move in to destroy us? Yet, when we wake up each morning with the intent to WRAP OURSELVES IN THE CHRISTMAS PRESENCE, our adornment is truly becoming of Whose we are…and shalom and humility adorn us!
As we say in the South, ‘Now, that’s perrrty!’
Click on over to the Internet Cafe for the rest of the story!
December 23, 2008 @ 12:54 pm
THAT was one of YOUR best EVER!
It moved my heart…
Praying without ceasing for your family….
Peace Carmen…what a blessing it’s been this year knowing that God placed you and your gifts on my path…
hugs and PEACE,