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Mussar Soul Coaching

My son, don’t forget My Torah, keep My commands in your heart;
for they will add to you many days, years of life and peace. ~ Proverbs 3

Mussar is Character Refinement.

Character Refinement means being ‘conformed to the Image of Mashiach’ (Rom. 8:29) – which we have been predestined for.

If we do not believe that MUSSAR is ‘FAITH IN MESSIAH’, we are misinformed and have yet to more fully understand SALVATION IN & OF MESSIAH.

To miss the Daily Salvation/Delivering Power in Messiah is to miss THE EXPERIENCE OF ABUNDANT LIFE:

 FREEDOM (John 8)


ONENESS (John 17)

That’s The TRUTH from ‘THAT SIDE’ (John 18) aka, ‘THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN’.

Learn more about the Hebrew word ‘mussar’ from audio teaching at bottom of page!

CLICK to listen to one Group’s Mussar LIFE Journey – Wonder Podcast


  • Recognizing The Boundary

  • Responding to The Voice

  • Returning to The Way

I am my Sister’s keeper. Recently I had a conversation with a delightful soul regarding some troubled relationships in her family life. After much reflection in the Counsel of The Word, we circled back around to the paramount counsel in The Scriptures: REVERENCE. Reverencing G-D means we reverence the other person so much that we learn to respect and protect G-D’s Boundaries for them and the relationship – which will be difficult when there have been no boundaries to begin with. However, BOUNDARY ERECTING, RESPECTING & PROTECTING is absolutely necessary for GOODNESS TO GROW within our gardens of delight of which we are responsible.

WHO does your spirit love and reverence that you must begin setting a holy boundary with? That is REVERENCING the Holy One AND the relationship that is to ‘bear much good fruit’ for generations to come!

Mussar (mostly seen in the book of Proverbs) can be translated as ‘holy head-turning’. We foolishly cross over G-D’s boundaries repeatedly because we have not learned to first RECOGNIZE THE BOUNDARY. It’s that simple and that profound. Every human needs to acquire this skill if they hope to stay IN THE WAY OF LIFE:

Mishlei 6:23

‘For the Lamp is the Commandment and TORAH is the Light, and the Way of Life is within the firm hand of Mussar.’

What are my options for Mussar LIFE?


21 Day Mussar LIFE Journey for Individuals, Couples, Families and Small Groups! 

$240 per person for 3 ONLINE Interactive Live Teaching Sessions

Week 1: Chokmah (Wisdom)

Week 2: Biynah (Understanding)

Week 3: Da’at (Knowledge)

+ 21 Days of DAILY Hebrew Group Mentoring/Exploration of the Hebrew Text via GroupMe App

+ 15 minute Private Parsing Tutorial (when in a group)

Contact me for details on beginning your own private or open (to others) 21 Day Mussar LIFE (for LIFE!) Group Journey! 

What others are saying about

The 21 Day Mussar LIFE Journey…

Divine Fire Mussar LIFE for COUPLES!

Baruch HaSHEM!

Email me directly at:

*References available upon request

Custom Topics and Fees

If your church or home fellowship is looking for an event speaker for brunches, weekend retreats, workshops or conferences and have a particular theme, please contact me. In a church setting, I love to have round tables set up for women in order to build relationships through prayer and the discussion of His Word.  Please contact me to discuss fees. Shalom!