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  1. Michone' Reese
    January 24, 2017 @ 5:22 pm

    Mastery of self means submission to Ruach Hakodesh- So Powerful. I think when some of us read to master oneself, we then attempt to pull up our boot straps and master those passions and desires, which are self efforts and not what God has called us to at all. I think it’s beautiful that it’s in true surrender and submission to the spirt that we are able to then through His power master those corrupt passions and desires!


    • admin
      January 26, 2017 @ 5:11 pm

      i love your thoughts! Tomorrow, I plan to take this word ‘mashal’ and expound on it a bit further!


  2. RJB
    January 25, 2017 @ 5:28 pm

    The idea of Holy Mastery of Self, which can only be done with the help of the Ruach HaKodesh, reminds me of the idea that in this process toward Oneness, we must constantly be decreasing so God can increase in us (John 3:30). It’s almost like, practically, whatever it is that we would normally do/say, we should pause and give time and space to listen to the Holy Spirit so that what we would naturally do is overruled or mastered by what the Spirit guides us to do.


    • admin
      January 26, 2017 @ 5:11 pm

      LOVE your thoughts, too Robin! YES!


  3. Sydney Hewitt
    January 25, 2017 @ 8:59 pm

    Thank you for this lesson “for a lifetime.” Over the past 4 years I have been “stricken” with Galatians 5:22. How so? In my family I have seen the painful lack of these fruitful WAYS lived out with one another. I have called out “Ayeka!” Oh HOW could we not demonstrate these fruitful ways of the Spirit to one another? And yet, it is NOT in our nature to show deference to one another, especially in this “ME” culture. To put another before oneself…well who does that? Certainly not the people we hear and see so often in the media. So in praying and considering all this very personally, God showed me that when we witness the OPPOSITE of the Fruits of the Spirit, that those behaviors are the perverse fruit of the Powers of the Air. Take the blessed list from Galations 5:22, and assign antonyms to each one…and perhaps you too will feel “stricken” by how COMMON it is to see the treatment of one another in these dark terms, rather than in the fruitful descriptions which are full of God’s light, life, and unity. The fruits of HIS spirit will always give re-birth to light, life and unity to any situation and any relationship. May we fully understand the powerful simplicity of this lesson. Thank you!


    • admin
      January 26, 2017 @ 5:12 pm

      What is HOLY? What is common? The trained, attentive ear hears His Ruach’s Counsel!


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